Hard Woven Headband - NEW - Have you been waiting to get your hands on an affordable, adorable hard headband? Wait no longer, they are here at Pretties! Get more use out of your stash of Pretties, slip a coordinating Pretties bow under the woven ribbon of the headband for a different look!
There are two sizes of headband 1/2 inch and 1 inch, both at an affordable price!
There are several different styles that can be made in either size handband (regardless of what is pictured below). You can have up to 4 different ribbons used per headband. The different styles are listed below:
Zig-Zag - two color ribbons (example below in black and gold)
Stripes - two color ribbons (example below in mint/pink and green/red)
Solid - one color ribbon (not pictured)
4 Color - four ribbons (example below in mixture of pinks)
Diamond - two ribbons (example below in white/orange) or three ribbons (example below in lavendar/pink/hot pink) Hard Woven Headband
Order: HWH1/2
Style: see above (zig-zag, stripes, solid, 4 color or diamond)
Colors: 3/8 grosgrain ribbon
Price: $3.50 majority solid colors/$0.50 extra per pattern ribbon requested
Example order # of gold/black: HWH1/2 18-20 zig zag Hard Woven Headband
Order: HWH1
Style: see above (zig-zag, stripes, solid, 4 color or diamond)
Colors: 3/8 grosgrain ribbon
Price: $4.00 majority solid colors/$0.50 extra per pattern ribbon requested
Example order # of green/red: HWH1 11-15 stripes
Headbands shown here display a different way to wear them, with an alligator clip bow attached through the weave. Wear the headband or bow alone or together!
Each priced individually
All babies differ, but as a general rule, infants 0-6 months wear a small headband, infants 6-12 months wear a medium headband, and babies 12-24 months wear a large headband.
Order #SLH
Color Choices: see attached picture, to enlarge double click on the picture.
Size: see suggestions above
Price: $3.50/each
Example: SLH603 medium
Click picture to enlarge